vote for "original gangsta" today!

ok, let's try this again.
so i have a new shirt design up for voting at receive
hundreds of design entries per week and post them on their site for voting...
the ones that receive the best scores have a great shot of actually being
produced and sold on their site.
that's where you come in. please head on over to threadless and give my
design a high score! by rating it a "5" and clicking the "i'd buy it!" box, you'll
give me the best chance of winning a really sweet prize package.
if you don't already have a threadless account, you'll have to set one up
in order to vote, but it's pretty's the url to do that: join threadless
now get out there and vote! ...and thanks!
vote for "original gangsta" here!
dutch: the ultimate human asskicker

so here's an illustration of the final round of the recently concluded "who is the ultimate human asskicker" competition. dutch (from predator) and rambo (from...ummm rambo) sliced their way through the field of 32 combatants (which included jason bourne, king leonidas, ripley and mad max, among others) to reach the final round. dutch took the battle by a 9-4 vote.
yeah, ok, so there were only 13 of us voting in this prestigious competition, but we weren't going to let any joe off of the street determine who the ultimate human asskicker is.
big congrats to dutch!
vote for "dawn: mall zombie" today!

this is a t-shirt design that i submitted to receive
hundreds of design entries per week and post them on their site for voting...
the ones that receive the best scores have a great shot of actually being
produced and sold on their site.
that's where you come in. please head on over to threadless and give my
design a high score! by rating it a "5" and clicking the "i'd buy it!" box, you'll
give me the best chance of winning a really sweet prize package.
if you don't already have a threadless account, you'll have to set one up
in order to vote, but it's pretty's the url to do that: join threadless
now get out there and vote! ...and thanks!
vote for "dawn: mall zombie" here!
UPDATE: the above design was dropped from threadless for receiving
too low a score during its initial 24 hour period...back to the
ol' drawin' board i guess...
cap'n kirk

i remember watching star trek reruns as a kid. i'd wait patiently through each episode for cool stuff to show up. you see, star wars had spoiled me. i expected every show or movie that was set in outer space to feature mind-blowing battles, awesome monsters and loads of uniquely original aliens. star trek never really delivered for me. the battles, monsters and aliens that i hoped for never showed up. neither did my enthusiasm for the series. the primary colored uniforms were however, pretty snazzy...which is why i did this print of captain james tiberius kirk, the original space pimp.