samurai werewolf poster

here's the poster i created for the tutorial that i wrote over at vectortuts.

what's more badass than a japanese lycanthrope fighting a winged vampire clan member with a katana under a full moon? beats me...if you can think of anything, let me know.

80's action cartoon villains

this is my entry for the upcoming "80's pop!" group show at
brave new worlds comics. the show is being put on by
the autumn society of philadelphia.

man, i love the 80's...especially all of the amazin' cartoons of that
era that brainwashed the kids of my generation into buying boatloads
of plastic action figures. and judging by the looks of my home office
nowadays, that brainwashing doesn't deprogram with time.

show opening:
friday, june 5th, 2009

6-9 pm

brave new worlds comics
45 N 2nd st
philadelphia, pa 19106
(olde city, between market and arch)

transformers collectors club cover

now that this has premiered over at the official transformers
collectors club website
, i can finally post it!

this is the cover to "eye in the sky", a prose story set in the transformers collectors club's "shattered glass" timeline, where the autobots are evil and the
decepticons are the heroes who save the day! the cover features snippets of the four images that i created for the interior story. i'll post the full illustrations at a later date...have to protect the exclusivity of the art, as the story is for collectors club members only.

it's such an honor to have done official work on a property that was such a huge part of my childhood!

© 2009 official transformers collectors club