here's my contribution for the
3B show (which opens tonight at
gallery 1988: venice) , "
betelgeuse: the afterlife's leading bio-exorcist".
the show is curated by chogrin and features
autumn society members' tributes to
back to the future and
bill and ted. the show is a sequel to last fall's
3G show.
for this go-round, partners in crime
nakedderby and i (jointly known as the
STD collective; *snicker*) chose to silkscreen a series of three posters (one by each of us) celebrating an advertisement from each movie. i went for
beetlejuice's yellow pages ad,
montygog (a.k.a. dave perillo) created a gig poster for the the battle of the bands from
bill and ted's bogus journey and
nakedderby (a.k.a. scott derby) fashioned an event poster for
back to the future's "enchantment under the sea" dance. we kept color scheme, border depth and signing protocol identical, so they really hang together as a set.
if you're in LA tonite, make sure to check out the show...there are a ton of talented artist contributing to this event!
show openingthursday, may 5th
7-10 pm
poster infosize: 12"x24"
medium: 3-color screenprint, cougar natural 100# cover
edition: limited, 50
locationgallery 1988: venice
214 pier avenue
santa monica, CA 90405
ph: 424.238.5988
hrs: weds-sun 11am-6pm
gallery1988@aol.comon sale infoprints will be available at the show. any left after the opening will be available online
here within a day or two.